Thursday, January 14, 2010

Whatta Man

Quick rant for today!

Dear Parents: Please treat your kids equally. One should not be loved more than another unless of course one's a serial killer. I've seen this first hand and it does not feel good for the lesser loved child. So this is my pledge to always treat my children with equality and fairness. I will do my part and you should do yours. End Rant.

Whew. Now I feel better. That's been weighing on me for awhile. Today is Thursday! Which means tomorrow is Friday! Grey's is new tonight! It's a good day!

Sure my child is sick :( Poor cold is seriously effing with his sleeping patterns which I cannot tell you how much it sucks. We have been blessed with a great sleeper, since 5 weeks old, he's slept through the night and in his own bed! Don't hate me! I'm sure this next one will make us pay so don't worry we'll get ours! He's so miserable it breaks my heart. Seriously. There's nothing worse than having a sick child. I hate it. I just want my happy boy back. Last night Daddy was up with him for 2 hours, yes I said Daddy, Mommy was in bed but still suffering none the less since there were many tears involved. Remember we're spoiled so we're not used to the lack of sleep. I'm sure some of you are laughing at us right now, I can just hear it! I know who you are and I know where you live!

Which brings me to my wonderful husband. I hope all you ladies out there have amazing men to share your life with. Not only is he an awesome husband, he's the best, most involved Dad that I know. Honourable mention to John Daley! He's been taking the brunt of Nate's cold, putting him to bed, getting up with him during the night and to be honest, I think maybe I should feel a bit ashamed of myself, he gets up with him pretty much every morning (we rotate on the weekends so we both get a sleep in day). We rotate baths as well although as my belly gets bigger I'm sure he'll be taking that over as well. He gets mad at me for always wanting to pack the diaper bag and pick out Nate's clothes, which I know I should be happy that he wants to do these things but you see I'm a bit of a control freak. He's been doing all the laundry and cooking the majority of the meals. I'm a very lucky girl and I know this. So Ryan Norman Wilson, I love you so much and am so thankful that I constantly put up with your bullshit in the beginning and shaped you into the man I always knew you could be. LOL. Just kidding lover. I love you, you're the best father and husband we could ask for and I can't wait to have your baby! *again* Just promise me you won't fall asleep at the worst part of my labour this time!

Oh and since I'm on a loving my hubby kick, it's the start of his ball hockey teams season tonight and I should really show more support so good luck Rampage! Let's stay out of the box this season (I'm looking at you Rye and Jay!).

Anyone catch 'Modern Family' last night?? Oh man, Jay was killing me with Barkley the dog butler! Seriously, at the end when they were standing at the alter, I laughed so hard I thought I might pee myself! Oh and when he had him bent over the counter inspecting his coat! It's too much! Another solid episode.

Now that it's on facebook I think it's safe to announce that not only am I going to be a Mom again in July I will also be an Aunt again (for the 6th time!!). Congrats to my brother Phil, sister in law Cheryl and big sister to be Edie! It's going to be a busy summer for the Glecoff Family :) Love you guys!

Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your day!


1 comment:

  1. aww so sweet about Rye. We are really lucky to have such awesome hubbies/baby daddies! Although really ALL men should step it up and be just as involved!

    DAMN I forgot to watch modern family last night! I will need another reminder for next week please! lol
