Tuesday, February 2, 2010

18 Weeks!

So I am officially 18 weeks today. Chugging along quite nicely! 1 week until we can hopefully find out the sex! The suspense is killing me. I need to know. And I need to know soon. I've been feeling the baby tons lately! I love it! It's truly amazing. I keep telling myself I really need to take it all in because this may be the last time I'm pregnant, which also seems weird to be done with such a huge part of your life? But that's neither here nor there now since we don't know what the future holds. Although Rye's insisting that if this one's a girl he's going for the snip snip. We'll see. Obviously money is a huge factor but having Nate makes me want a bunch of kids. It could also be how he is though, I suppose if he was high maintenance then it might change my mind. Let's just get through this next one and we'll go from there :)

Yesterday I had some time on my hands and I discovered that if you go to "Next Blog" at the top of the page, don't even think of doing it now haha, you go to random people's blogs. I stumbled upon a couple who had quintuplets (that's 5 babies just so we're clear), the Mother blogged about it all, still does and I found it absolutely captivating. I could never imagine. She HAD to gain a minimum of 75 lbs, preferably 100lbs. Resulting in her having to eat 5000 calories at day! 5000!!!!! The only thing that ticked me off was that the farthest I could go back on her blog was when she was around 15 weeks so I have no idea how they conceived 5 kids. Keep in mind that pregnancy is 40 weeks, a baby is considered 'full term' at 37 weeks. Their goal was to make it to 34 weeks but that didn't happen. They made it to 30 weeks and 5 days. All the babies survived but not without hiccups, it was a long journey in the NICU but they are now around 19 months and all doing great. It was really interesting to read about their story. They were so brave during the pregnancy and after the birth, I don't know if I could have that kind of strength. If you're interested their blog is here http://howellquints.blogspot.com.

Big Tings happening tonight! Lost is back for their 6th and final season. I would tell you to tune in but if you haven't watched the previous 5 seasons you will have no clue as to what's going on. Watch it on DVD. I guarantee you will be hooked. Also, after a busy weekend in Leaf's Nation, Giguere and Phaneuf will make make their debuts tonight. I have no idea what the hubby is gonna do! I guess we'll be flipping back and forth!

For the Mom's and Mom's to be out there. Another great website for baby/kid stuff is infomommy.com, every week they post which stores in ontario have diapers, wipes, formula etc on sale. I've been finding it very helpful lately.

Which websites do you frequent? Comment below and let us know!


  1. http://sleeptalkinman.blogspot.com/

    she records her husband talking in his sleep. Pretty funny!!

  2. p.s. did you just say Big Tings???

  3. Ha! Pretty funny!

    and yes I did...should I not?

  4. Its feels kinda weird being all up in your busniness never mind someone else's...ah what the heck, they put it out there, I'm on my way to dig my nose into other peoples lives!

  5. haha..Steph I also just noticed the " next blog" the other day. I have to figure out how to design my own template...I seriously have to jazz mine up a little...at least you have pictures and a ticker!. So awesome!. I'm going to pass on that website to my sis, since she just had my niece two months ago, I'm sure she can use it. 18 weeks!..wow..time is really going by rather quickly! Also...I think I would die if I had 5 kids at once...although sometimes I think if I had twins then I would be done...who knows
